SOTA 12m-Wettbewerb Drucken
Geschrieben von: Martin, DF3MC   
Samstag, den 01. Juni 2013 um 06:47 Uhr

Um die Aktivität auf dem 12m-Band zu erhöhen, wurde der SOTA 12m-Wetbewerb gestartet, der vom 1. Juni 2013 bis 31. Mai 2014 läuft.

Für Verbindungen auf dem 12m-Band wird eine eigene Punktliste geführt.

Den Bandplan findet man z.B. auf den Seiten des DARC oder der IARU.

Hier sind die "offiziellen Regeln" von SOTAWATCH:

The Official SOTA 12m Challenge (12MC)

12m is not a popular band in SOTA at present. There are 936 activator QSOs recorded out of a total activator QSO tally of 1788210. So 12m makes up 0.05% of the QSOs. It's a band, that when open, is capable of great DX, yet will also support short skip QSOs. Antennas are compact for this band and easy to make at home. It seems to me the reason this band is neglected is because it's not a busy band normally and hence people ignore it.

The aim of the challenge is to promote use of the 12m band for SOTA QSOs. At the end of the challenge period, certificates will be available for the highest activator score and highest chaser score. The database will keep track of scores and you will be able to see your 12m Challenge score in much the same way as you can see S2S and SOTA Complete scores separately from your normal activator and chaser scores. Scoring of 12m QSOs is independent of any other scores you have.

The challenge will run from June 1st 2013 to May 31st 2014. This should include a major part of the 2013 Es season, the solar maximum, the Autumn(Fall) DX period and the start of the 2014 Es season.


Score 1 point for each summit you chase on 12m.
Score 1 multiplier for each unique summit chased on 12m during the challenge.

Score = #QSOs * #multipiers


Score 1 point for each activator QSO you have on 12m.
Score 1 multiplier for each unique summit activated on 12m during the challenge.

Score = #QSOs * #multipiers

Normal SOTA validity rules apply for activators and chasers.

As the scoring of the challenge is independent of other awards then it's possible to activate the same summit many times and claim points.